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Are you someone who knows what you want but don't know how to produce it?

Leave it to us! What makes Technical Publications different from other printing companies is that we offer a full desktop publishing/graphic design service. From the start, our designers will listen to your conceptual ideas, give advise on the best possible "look" you are searching for, and come up with a customized design. We will deliver as many proofs as necessary, make any last minute corrections, until you are more than satisfied with the final piece. To serve you better, we back-up all of our customers files, always keeping them on hand in case you would either like to have a reprint of your documents, or modifications at a later date.

Are you a designer who isn't quite sure you have set up your files correctly?

Leave it to us! Technical Publications goes through a thorough set of steps to ensure what is on your computer screen is the same as what comes out on the presses. Not only do we check your file, we put it through our own software that verfies that all of your colors, typefaces and graphics are in the right order. We then print out our ow proofs as an added step, because we know a pair of human eyes can pick up little things that sometimes a computer cannot. Once we are satisfied with all aspects of proofing, we make a negative and from that a salt proof, which we can deliver to you upon request, so that you can be involved in the entire process if you choose. We are here every step of the way to make corrections or modifications to your document.

Are you worried our software might not be compatible with yours?

Leave it to us! If we don't have it, we'll get it. Our computers contain over 40 popular software packages from graphics programs to presentations programs and beyond. All applications are the latest versions available from the publisher are are upgraded when new versions are released. We accept SyQuest, Bernoulli, Zip and 3.5 disks, and we can work with both Macintosh and IBM platforms.

You only have a hard copy of what you want printed, what do you do?

Leave it to us! You don't have to have your work on disk, we can shoot negatives from camera-ready paste-ups.


Digital Color Printing

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Full Service Offset Printing

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Technical Publications, Inc.   45 Calvary Street   Waltham, MA 02154-5974
  (781) 899-0263   (781) 647-9854 FAX

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